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Test Firewalls

Test. Improve. Repeat.

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Firewalls remain the primary device for securing access to the network. But as the networks have grown larger and more complex, so too have the expectations.

Business demands ubiquitous access from all sorts of mobile and IoT devices, while 5G and TSN raise the bar on the quality of experience. As the complexity increases, so does the need for rigorous testing.

Xena’s customers use Vulcan for in-depth analysis of firewall performance in the network. We also offer Safire for quickly pin-pointing performance bottlenecks on enterprise firewalls caused by enabling specific features.

Xena White Papers

… for this industry

Realistic Traffic Profile Generation white paper cover

Realistic Traffic Profile Generation for Enterprise Firewalls

Automated traffic profile generation improves enterprise firewall performance testing.

Automotive Ethernet white paper cover

Automotive Ethernet Testing

The automotive industry is finally going digital. Initiatives like the BroadR-Reach 100 Mbit/s Automotive Ethernet standard seek to minimize the weight and cost of electrical cabling – now the 3rd largest weight component.

Advanced Layer 4 Replay white paper cover

Advanced Layer 4 Replay

Xena Advanced Layer 4 Replay provides stateful replay on top of its high-performance TCP stack, high scalability for performance verification and preserve correlation information across sessions for true emulation.

Quality Assurance testing white paper cover

Quality Assurance Testing

How Valkyrie can be used for Quality Assurance testing of Ethernet products up to Layer 3.

Firewall Performance Testing white paper cover

Firewall Performance Testing Use Cases in Lab and Production Networks

Firewall Performance Testing Use Cases in Lab and Production Networks

Emulation vs Simulation white paper cover

Emulation vs. Simulation for Layer 4-7

Testing with realistic application emulation is about emulating network traffic that contains realistic traffic patterns and content. Which is essentialfor providing guaranteed Quality-of-Service (QoS), and high degrees of Quality-of-Experience (QoE).

NGFW Testing white paper cover

Performance Verification of NGFW

To rigorously test the performance of next generation firewalls (NGFWs), it is no longer enough to bombard them with dummy traffic.

Realistic Application Simulation white paper cover

Realistic Application Simulation for Enterprise Firewall Performance Testing

Realistic Application Simulation for Enterprise Firewall Performance Testing – Testing Enterprise Firewall with thecorrect test traffic.

Testing VNF white paper cover

Testing VNF

This White Paper demonstrates how the goals listed above can be achieved using Xena’s stateless traffic generator on configurations orchestrated by CNLabs NFV Test Framework.

Performance Characterization of Virtual NGFWs

How to test the performance of virtual enterprise firewalls using Safire.

Application Emulation

Testing with realistic network traffic places the device under test (DUT) in a realistic network environment and delivers authentic results.

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