Test. Improve. Repeat.

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Ethernet Test Tools
Chip vendors provide storage, communication and computing components used by NEMs to create new innovative solutions. The components include both highly advanced products and cost-optimized second/third generation products. The semiconductor vendors need to test and verify their products both during development, quality assurance and production to ensure quality and stability of the products.
Xena has been helping semiconductor vendors around the world with test solutions and test automation to evaluating and verifying their products quickly and efficiently.
Xena White Papers
… for this industry
Traffic Generator Upgrade
Learn how to extend the capabilities of your Valkyrie traffic generation and analysis solution using a L1 Matrix from CGS Tower Networks.
Putting 2.5GE & 5GE to the Test
This White Paper examines the technical details of the new 2.5 & 5.0GE speeds and then presents Xena’s new Odin-10G-5S-6P-CU test module which can test both the new speeds plus 100Mbit/s, 1GE and 10GE.
100G PON
Xena’s Valkyrie platform made it easy for BT to verify the performance of their new 100G PON solution. PON is an access network technology that ensures high-speed network access to business and private users.