E100 Chimera
Network Emulation up to 100Gbps

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Ethernet Test Tools
Network Emulation 100GE, 50GE, 40GE, 25GE, 10GE
E100 Chimera is a network impairment emulator that makes it easy to introduce consistent, accurate, well-defined and repeatable impairments (e.g. packet manipulation, latency, jitter, bandwidth control and shaping) to traffic between DUTs in the lab. All rates from 10GE to 100GE are supported in a compact 1U chassis or as a XenaBay B2400 test module.
Chimera is ideal for NEMs who want to optimize Quality of Experience (QoE) for customers by ensuring their equipment can handle acceptable levels of impairment. Service providers, enterprises, and government agencies can also use Chimera to validate Quality of Service (QoS) for voice, video, and data traffic being sent across their networks.
Chimera can be used a standalone solution in a quiet desktop-sized chassis, but it can also be installed as a 1-slot test module in a XenaBay chassis for seamless integration with XenaManager’s traffic generator. This provides a simple way of emulating impairment to traffic being generated via other Xena products all from the same GUI.
Chimera is available at a price/point that is about half the industry standard.
Key Applications
Chimera makes it easy to emulate network impairment, making it a extremely cost-effective and convenient solution for:
- Benchmarking
- Stress testing/negative testing
- “What-if” testing
- Regression testing
Top Features
- True wire-speed impairment @ 100Gbps (plus 50 / 40 / 25 & 10Gbps)
- Ease of use – Chimera is a stand-alone impairment tool that integrates seamlessly with Xena’s traffic generator, letting you speed up your work flow by using the same SW to both generate and impair Ethernet traffic.
- Highest port density in the industry – plus you can reserve individual port-pairs without blocking access to the others
- Setting up custom impairment distributions is a breeze
- E100q Chimera supports a broad range of impairments (latency/jitter, packet & port impairments, flexible distributions, BW shaping, etc)
- Powerful, easy-to-use automation & scripting options
Chimera System Diagram
This diagram illustrates how the E100 Chimera test module emulates impairment. Incoming traffic enters a flow filter and different types of impairment are then added (as defined in the UI), with each traffic flow being processed in a prioritized order.
Types of Testing
Performance Testing
Performance testing focuses the performance of a DUT via parameters like maximum throughput, latency and jitter.
When performance testing includes analysis of how a DUT can send traffic through a network Chimera emulates realistic network conditions including impairments that are likely to occur when a signal passes through a network.
Functional Testing
Functional testing verifies the basic functionality of the DUT and will depend on the DUT and the application.
Chimera provides a wide range of network emulation features for functional testing, including latency and other typical impairments.
Software Application Testing
Software application testing can cover many parameters depending on the application. The testing can be done to verify the basic functionality of the software and to see how it performs under different network conditions. Chimera provides a wide range of network emulation features to emulate network conditions, including latency and other typical impairments.
Security Testing
Security testing is usually conducted during development to reveal how a DUT handles abnormal conditions.
Chimera makes it easy for users to apply all kinds of network conditions to analyze and verify the behavior DUT.
QoS and Service Validation
E100 Chimera offers network emulation for QoS and service validation testing. By adding latency, packet drop and other impairments the user can test that a system under test can maintain a high QoS and service quality guarantee despite difficult network conditions.
XenaManager is the Windows-based application used to configure and generate streams of Ethernet traffic between Xena test equipment and Devices Under Test (DUTs) at all speeds up 400Gbps, and then analyze the results.
When XenaManager detects a Chimera test module the Chimera’s software options for adding impairment become available in XenaManager, enabling test engineers to manage the impairment emulation via the same GUI they use for generating the traffic.
Learn more about XenaManager
Speeds Supported by Chimera
Chimera can emulate impairment at these five Ethernet speeds:
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