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NextGig Systems Overview
At NextGig Systems we encourage our employees to participate in charitable endeavors by supporting them with time off for charitable work. We also help by paying for membership donations, event sponsorship and through various corporate donations when possible.
Casa Pacifica Volunteering
Some of our employees are proud to be Casa Pacifica “Amigos” volunteering their time to help with fundraising events and serving as positive role models for the children of Casa Pacifica.
If you would like to help the kids of Casa Pacifica, please visit the Casa Pacifica website.
Casa Pacifica is a residential treatment facility for abused, neglected and severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents from Southern California. Casa Pacifica offers residential treatment, emergency shelter care, assessments, educational programs, family support, medical services, psychiatric/psychological treatment, and a variety of community-based interventions to children and families.
Paving the Way to Technology Success with EARTHS Foundation
NextGig Systems is proud to participate in Paving the Way to Technology Success
Founding Families Plaza
About EARTHS Foundation
EARTHS Foundation is a branch of the Conejo School Foundation that concentrates in the development of science and technology advancement within the Conejo Unified School District.
The EARTHS Foundation has a dual purpose of finding financial support for science and technology programs that benefit our schools and to create a support system of advisors to educate and train our staff to constantly thrive for cutting edge implementation that benefits all our students. Our focus this year is technology.
The EARTHS Foundation will once again host two fundraising opportunities in order to fulfill our goals. With the funds raised through our two projects (Entry Plaza and Tee Off for Technology) we hope to add new computers at EVERY classroom and servers to provide a wireless environment.
For more information about EARTHS Foundation and the EARTHS Magnet School visit the EARTHS website.
Casa Pacifica – MAP
1722 South Lewis Road
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805-445-7800
Fag: 805-987-7237
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