About NextGig Systems

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NextGig Systems Overview
NextGig Systems provides network security, connectivity, enhanced network monitoring and test solutions for IT and development engineers.
Focusing on network security, improving connectivity to network tools and advanced test solutions NextGig can enhance visibility and reliability of today’s complex data centers and Enterprise networks.
Areas of Focus
Network Tool Connectivity – Network data aggregation which filters and replicates customized data streams to all network tools.
Network Security – Next Generation network firewalls which take an application-centric approach to traffic classification to enable application visibility and policy control.
Testing & Emulation – Pre-deployment and development testing of Ethernet 1GE to 400GE and Fibre Channel.
The NextGig team is trained and certified on the solutions we provide insuring a high level of expertise and support.
We strive to develop strong relationships with our customers by operating with the highest level of integrity while offering quality products and excellent service.
Why Choose NextGig?
At NextGig, we love technology and we enjoy putting together the pieces of a puzzle. Our number one job is help our customers find the right technology solutions. From the engineer developing a product that needs a Ethernet tester or a network engineer that needs to add security, connectivity and aggregation to their network, our team will help create the right solution. And if we don’t have the right solution, we will point you to the company that does. Our team knows that doing right by our customers and building a lasting relationship is the only way to operate our business.
What Have We been Up to Lately?
Hike with the kids of Casa Pacifica (Amigos Volunteering)
NextGig Systems staff spent a Saturday on a hike at Malibu Creek State Park with the kids of Casa Pacifica. After a little trouble of finding the Casa group on the trail we ended up hiking to a large pond back within the park. The weather was spectacular and even though we had a challenging time with our own little ones on the sometimes rocky trail, everyone had a great afternoon out in the wilderness. The park has some majestic views and most of the trails are very mild.
You can learn more about Malibu Creek State Park here.
Casa Pacifica, a residential treatment facility for abused, neglected and severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents from Southern California. You can also learn more about Casa Pacifica on our Giving Back page.
Going Green
We have recently added a Going Green page to our website. Our web hosting provider let us know that their data centers were now being powered 100% by wind energy. We thought this was a good time for our company to do what ever we could to be more green. We also are using the Going Green section to encourage our staff to participate and let us promote their efforts as well. So far our efforts are small but we are now thinking green and we will be updating the Going Green section as we continue our efforts on being green.
We have been told “its not easy being green” but we are going to give it a shot anyway.
Thank You For Visiting
To learn more about NextGig Systems check back here for new updates or please just give us a call at 805-277-2400
Thank you for take the time to visit NextGigSystems.com and please let us know how we can be of service to you.