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Xena Automation

The industry’s best tools for automating Ethernet testing.

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Read our step-by-step automation guide and learn about automation of Xena applications and how to automate Xena test suites and explore Layer 2-7 scripting.

Drivers & Scripts

View scripting examples in 8 different scripting languages. Find the one you can use and download them here!


Find out more about commercial and open source platforms and frameworks that support Xena’s gigabit ethernet test solutions.


Read about Xena’s work with Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) community on the vSwitch Performance (VSPerf) project.


Technical Documentation


These resources provide a great starting point for automating Xena applications:


See these manuals about scripting for Valkyrie Layer 2-3 and Vulcan Layer 4-7 test platforms:

  • Valkyrie Layer 2-3 Scripting Guide
  • Vulcan Layer 4-7 Scripting Guide

Lab Management

These guides explain how to use Quali CloudShell for automating the use of Valkyrie Layer 2-3 chassis and traffic generation software.


Script Examples & Functional Libraries

You can use the Xena’s Scripting API from various scripting languages.

Below are links to respective repositories and script samples you can download.

TCL icon PERL icon Java icon
Bash icon VBA icon Python icon REST API icon


Xena products are supported on a variety of commercial and Open Source platforms. Here you can find information about the QualiSystems TestShell, JSystem and Coronys framework. More are coming soon.

Commercial Frameworks

Quali Systems download icon     Coronys download icon

Open Source Frameworks

JSystem download icon     Robot frameworks download icon


VSPerf repository download iconXena Networks is working closely with Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) community on the vSwitch Performance (VSPerf) project towards a generic and architecture agnostic vSwitch performance benchmarking and test framework. It will serve as a basis for validating the suitability of different vSwitch implementations in a telco NFV deployment environment.

Read the White Paper

Read the Application Note

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L2-3 Ethernet Testing

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Easy to use!
Powerful software.

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Ethernet Testing

White Papers

A wide variety of white
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