
NextGig Systems, Inc. - Network Connectivity & Test Solutions


Purpose-built High Density Intelligent Data Access Switch

All effective network security and monitoring begins with visibility to your data, and at 10G or higher speeds, the tools that provide these functions become less efficient, limiting visibility. As users demand more bandwidth and faster operating speeds, networks are being forced to adopt faster technologies to keep up.

GigaVUE-HD8 appliances are high-density intelligent data access switches that replicate and filter network traffic to monitoring and security tools. It is first in category to break the terabit backplane barrier, and support thousands of map rules at 10G+ line rates.


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Featuring a revolutionary non-blocking 1.024Tbps backplane, GigaVUE-HD8 appliances can handle speeds of 10G and beyond, with the ability to keep up as future industry trends dictate. The 14U high rack-mountable unit is a configurable component-based system with Telco-grade hot-pluggable line cards and power supplies. It introduces the industry’s highest density line cards, and a powerful CLI for controlling up to (96) 10G and (32) 1G ports, or (352) 1G and (32) 10G ports in maximum configurations.

The GigaVUE-HD8 appliances address key emerging issues within today’s faster speed networks. Without the GigaVUE-HD8 device, visibility and data access in higher speed networks, such as Telco 4G LTE, and Banking data center deployments, will be virtually impossible to secure and maintain. Its next-generation architecture makes these critical capabilities possible in today’s 1G and 10G network environments, as well as intelligent data access at the faster line-rate speeds that will become common place in the near future. GigaVUE-HD8 appliances will future-proof the data centers of today for the speeds of tomorrow.

Maximum port count depending on blade configuration:
Number of 10Gbps Ports:   (96)
Number of 1Gbps Ports:     (352)

Features & Benefits

Industry’s highest density port count enables data visibility in space-restricted environments

Telco-grade purpose-built Data Access Switch designed for core network infrastructure

25x more through-put than any other product in the data access networking industry

Next generation switch fabrics support high-bandwidth LTE rollouts at 1G, 10G, and beyond

Virtualized network management reduces overall data center costs


Packet aware network monitoring at 1G, 10G and beyond

Addresses the challenges of adopting higher network speeds

Connect to a maximum of 384 total ports for data monitoring in condensed environments

Enables advanced high-density network access and visibility

GigaVUE-HD8 ordering numbers:

GVS-HD801: GigaVUE-HD8 base chassis, 2 Control Cards, Fans, CLI, AC power

GVS-HD802: GigaVUE-HD8 base chassis, 2 Control Cards, Fans, CLI, DC power

GigaVUE-HD8 modules:

GigaPORT-X12G04: Twelve 10G & four 1G ports

GigaPORT-X04G44: Four 10G & Forty-four 1G ports
